Lessons and Advice from Vala Afshar on Twitter

Social media can be both a boon and a bane. The way you use social media determines what it is for you. You can spend your energy on arguments and trolling people not aligned with your views, or you can spend it to learn and broaden your perspective.

I use social media to learn from the best minds and thinkers in this world. I use it to learn from the diverse perspectives, new ideas, and the world’s best thoughts and thinkers are now accessible to me.

Vala Afshar is one such thinker and leader I follow on Twitter. Here’s one such quote containing personal lessons and advice that he tweeted.

Vala Afshar

Vala Afshar Quotes

As I got older, I realized:

1. Lost money can be found; lost time is lost forever

2. Learning to learn, and changing yourself is a superpower

3. You are not your job

4. Networking is about giving

5. Best teacher is your last mistake

6. Good manners as important as good education

7. Do not take your health for granted

8. Be a better friend and value relationships

9. If you are waiting for a title to lead, you are not ready to lead

10. A sponsor is more important than a mentor

11. A good story is soulful with sprinkling of data

12. Stop worrying about what others think of you

13. If you want an easier life, work on harder problems

14. Best teachers are life long students

15. Imposter syndrome is real

16. Fight against a sense of entitlement

17. Half the battle is showing up

18. Love and cherish your parents by giving them your time

19. Success is not accidental

20. The best views are there for those who love the climb

21. Lucky people work harder

22. Takers may end up with more, but givers sleep better at night

23. Memorizing is not learning

24. It is okay to look back, just don’t stare

25. Knowing is not acting

26. Straight roads do not make great drivers

27. Good listeners hear the unsaid

28. Be the person that you want to follow

29. Do not limit your contribution to a job description

30. Customer service is not a department

31. In the long run, the optimists do more

32. Never ruin an apology with excuses

@ValaAfshar on Twitter

Books by Vala Afshar

Vala Afshar’s book co-authored with Brad Martin is about building a successful social business.

By reading the Pursuit of Social Business Excellence you will be able to 1) identify foundational success elements of a social business;

2) follow a prioritized and guided step by step transformation process;

3) measure progress and identify self-reinforcing confirmation points.

4) increase top line revenue, profit, employee retention and customer loyalty.

Source: Amazon
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